老外在天朝 | Story of a Game company Executive Learning Chinese

Mandarin Inn Mandarin lnn对外汉语中心


在本期访谈中,我们高兴地邀请到 Julien,这位来自法国就职于游戏公司的高管,与我们分享了很多他与中国结缘的故事,无论是在中国工作还是生活,都能收获到很多有趣的体验,就如同学习中文一样,他觉得学习一门语言重在习惯和持续不断地努力,这和我们中国文化中经常提及的“贵在坚持”不谋而合。让我们一起来听听他的学习经历吧!


In this episode, we are pleased to have Julien, an executive from a game company and a native of France, join us to share many of his stories about connecting with China. Whether it’s working or living in China, he has gained many interesting experiences, much like his journey of learning Chinese. He believes that learning a language relies heavily on habits and continuous effort, which coincidentally aligns with the Chinese cultural concept of “persistence is key.” Let’s listen to him share his learning experiences!


M: 你好!请先做一下自我介绍吧。

M: Hello! Could you please introduce yourself?

  (Julien at Shanghai)

Julien: 你好,我是Julien!我在上海的一家游戏公司担任游戏负责人。我来自法国,过去两年半一直住在中国。没错,我搬到这里的时候正好赶上了上海封城!
我学习中文已经两年了,主要学习HSK课程,现在快要完成HSK 4了。

Julien: Hi, I’m Julien! I’m a Game Lead in a games company in Shanghai. I’m originally from France and I’ve been living in China for the past two and a half years. You’re right, I moved here just on time for the Shanghai lockdown!
I’ve been learning Chinese for the past two years now, focusing on the HSK program, and I’m about to finish HSK 4 soon.

M: 你为什么来到中国?

M: Why did you come to China?


Julien: I moved to China for my current job and relocated from Finland. I had been to China before, mostly backpacking through a few cities, but never to Shanghai, so that was a new experience.

M: 你认为外国人学习中文有帮助吗?你为什么想学中文呢?

M: Do you think it’s helpful for foreigners to learn Chinese? And why?


Julien: I think it’s always useful to learn the language of the place you live in. It’s an entry to the culture and a way to communicate with people that can lead to unique experiences. My wife and I went to Suzhou during Mid-Autumn Festival, and after chatting with the hotel owners, we ended up having dinner with them, enjoying local food and talking about their way of life. Surely an experience we would not have had without being able to speak some Mandarin.

M: 作为一个好学生,你是如何学习中文的?能举个例子吗?你愿意分享一些学习技巧吗?(比如你如何在学习中文时鼓励自己?如何保持学习中文的兴趣?

M: As a good student, how do you learn Mandarin?(could you give an example) Would you like to share your tips?(like How you encourage yourself when you learn Chinese? How do you keep interest to learn Chinese?

Julien: 我认为养成良好的习惯是持续进步的最佳方式。我每周有两次中文课(共3小时),每天使用Duolingo来保持练习。我知道自己有视觉记忆,所以写汉字真的有助于记忆。我也很喜欢书法。看中文节目或纪录片(带字幕)对口语理解和发音也有很大帮助,而且你总能通过这种方式学到新句子!

Julien:I think creating good habits is the best way to make constant progress. I have Chinese class twice a week (3 hours in total) and use Duolingo daily, just to keep practicing.
I know I have a visual memory, so writing characters really helps me memorize them. And I also really enjoy calligraphy in general.
Watching shows / documentaries in Chinese (with subtitles) also really help with oral understanding and pronunciation. And you can always learn new sentences this way!

M: 你愿意谈谈你的老师吗?你喜欢他/她吗?什么样的老师行为会鼓励你学习中文?

M:Would you like to talk something about your teacher, do you like him/her? And What kinds of teacher’s behavior will encourage you to learn Mandarin?


Julien: I’ve really enjoyed learning from my teacher, and I’m grateful for the experiences it has led me to. The main thing I appreciate is his openness to questions and the fact that he’s always ready to help. I can come to him about daily life questions, and even prepare for specific situations. A handyman is coming home to fix something: we can find time together for me to learn the right words to express what I need and communicate with this person while they’re here. It’s been particularly helpful (and yet another way to practice speaking Chinese).

M: 你很少请假,是什么鼓励你坚持上课的?我们有很多在线资源,你用过吗?感觉如何?

M: You seldom ask for leave, what encourage you are keeping doing classes ? and we have many online resources, have you used it, and how do you feel about it?


Julien: As I mentioned before, it’s about creating good habits and making constant progress. The main motivation for me is being able to talk to people / get by on my own using Mandarin. That’s what keeps me going.
Well, I haven’t tried your online resources (yet), but I’ll get back to you on this!

M: 我们每月都会举办一次工作坊活动,你觉得怎么样?有什么建议吗?或者有没有你感兴趣的话题?

M:We are doing workshop normally once a month, how do you feel about it, and do you have any suggestion, or do you have any subject you are interested?

(Julien at SuZhou)

M: Have you attended any of the workshops organized by the school? What are your thoughts on them? Do you have any suggestions or topics you’re interested in?

Julien 我还没参加过中心举办的工作坊活动,因为工作日程很忙,所以我一般都是早上上课,但我很想有一天试试。学习/练习日常生活话题总是有帮助的,但我认为有机会练习更多与工作相关的情景(对我来说就是与游戏和技术相关的词汇)也会非常有用。

Julien: I have never attended a workshop – I have a busy work schedule, which is why I do classes first thing in the morning, but I’d love to try one day. Daily life topics are always valuable to learn / practice, but I think having the opportunity to practice more work related situations (for me that you be games specific and technology related vocabulary) would be very useful too.

M: 在你学习中文的过程中,或者在日常生活中遇到的语言问题,有什么有趣的事可以分享吗?

M:Do you have any interesting thing during your Mandarin study or the problems (details should be good)you meet in your daily life as the languageto share to us.

Julien: 不是问题,但在中国旅行时听不同的口音是很有趣但也很有挑战性的。我肯定需要更多练习!

Julien:Not a problem per se, but travelling around China and listening to different accents has been interesting, but also challenging. I definitely need more practice!

M: 最后,请说一句你最喜欢的中文句子,并解释为什么。

M: Finally, please share your favorite Chinese sentence and explain why.


Julien: 感情深,一口闷;感情浅,舔一舔。 I can definitely relate to this being French, as we also have a culture of building friendship around a drink (and good food of course!).

(Julien and his wife at Sanya)


Julien 的学习经历很让人鼓舞和受到启发,他的学习习惯和积极持续的学习态度,也向我们展示了他在学习语言中持续的进步,也就是说,只要有良好的学习习惯再加以持续的实践,学习的困难就不再是困难。我们祝愿他在中国的工作顺利,在中文学习的道路上继续取得成功!

Julien’s learning experiences are both encouraging and inspiring. His study habits and positive, consistent attitude demonstrate his continuous progress in language learning. This shows that with good study habits and ongoing practice, the difficulties of learning a language can become manageable. We wish him success in his work in China and continued achievements on his journey to learn Chinese!

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