老外在天朝 | From Tokyo to Shanghai: A Journey of Language & Culture

引言: 在学习一门新语言时,犯错是不可避免的,但这些错误却是我们进步的阶梯。正如伊亚(Ia)所分享的,中文的发音和用词非常独特,稍有不慎就会改变意思,但这正是语言学习的趣味所在。每一次的失误都是一次宝贵的学习机会,让我们更深入地理解语言和文化。今天来听听伊亚学习中文的经历和故事吧。 Introduction: When learning a new language, making mistakes is inevitable, but these mistakes are stepping stones to progress. As Ia shared, Chinese pronunciation and word usage are very unique, and even a small error can change the meaning, which is precisely the fun part of language learning. Every mistake is a valuable learning […]

Event Recap | Discussion On The Preface of The Analects

Mandarin Inn Mandarin lnn对外汉语中心 On the morning of Saturday, December 7th, the Mandarin Inn was filled with a strong atmosphere of learning as our first “Analects Reading Club” kicked off with great enthusiasm. Students from both China and abroad gathered together to study and read The Analects of Confucius, discussing the era of Confucian thought and […]

Daily Chinese | Dive into the World of Chinese Food

Chinese culture is famous worldwide for its rich flavors, diverse ingredients, and cooking styles. Mastering some key Chinese food-related words and phrases will enhance your dining experiences and help you express your appreciation for the delicious dishes.   Useful Vocabulary     Interesting Facts   Regional Diversity Chinese cuisine is incredibly diverse, with different regions offering unique […]

打开世界之门:Mandarin Inn 教学总监谈中文教育的国际视野



23年已经接近尾声,最后一次的《国际中文教师》面试考试也即将到来。各位准老师们已经胸有成竹,准备好奋力一搏了吗?小编为大家总结了部分上半年面试的真题回顾,大家可以利用这些真题再次复习梳理知识点,也可以当做一次自我模拟,为接下来的面试考试做好充足的准备。 一、语言知识点统计(说课/试讲) 二、中文问答 1、宋老师在中东男子高中教书,学生很调皮、上课不积极,他要花费很多时间做课堂管理。在讲“我喜欢…、我不喜欢…”的时候,老师举例“我喜欢学习。”学生说他们不喜欢学习,学习好累。宋老师觉得学生不听话,不尊重自己,和自己对着干就批评了学生。宋老师说“我不喜欢下雨”,学生说“沙漠很少下雨,我喜欢下雨”宋老师觉得很尴尬,课堂气氛更凝固。请分析该案例,给宋老师一些建议。 2、马老师刚开始上课时发现华裔学生基础较好,非华裔学生基础较差,于是更关注非华裔学生。后来句子操练时又发现华裔学生准确度低,基础掌握不好。于是将参与句子操练纳入平时成绩中,还规定说错句子要扣分,结果导致学生不满。 3、张老师第一次教古代汉语课,最开始注重古代汉语词汇、语法,学生反馈难度大。张老师调整教学计划后,侧重以视频等有趣的形式讲文化,但期末学生基础不牢,张老师有挫败感,想放弃这门课。请分析问题并给张老师一些建议。 4、向老师在海外教学时隐瞒自己的腰伤,接受领导派给的任务。结果工作中腰伤犯了。外方很不满意,认为向老师的行为对学校产生不良影响。你怎么看? 在欧洲课上,高老师让不爱发言的学生参与活动,外向的学生认为高老师不公平,高老师该怎么办? 5、赵老师要退休了,并说自己要“落叶归根”,学生不理解,他该如何解释呢? 6、王老师是来华留学生的班主任,有一天,学生给王老师反映,口语课刘老师讲的内容太多,练的太少,学不会,王老师找刘老师说明情况,刘老师认为他的课程没问题。如果你是王老师,你会怎么做? 7、一位外国老师说有位老师要结婚,罗列了婚礼的物品清单。苏老师觉得这就是在变相要礼物,外国老师觉得中国人给钱也是在把关系都变成金钱关系,然后两个人就吵起来了。请分析这是什么问题,苏老师应该怎么做? 8、刮痧在留学生中引起争议,学生们质疑中医的有效性,你应该怎么做?  三、英文问答 1、How do you explain “化干戈为玉帛” to your students?  2、Teacher Sun was teaching about “巾帼不让须眉”, and she took Hua Mu Lan as an example. Students ask whether Teacher Sun is a feminist.  How should Teacher Sun respond?  3、You are teaching Chinese overseas and one day you received a […]

Happy 100th Anniversary, 迪士尼!

Walt Disney(华特·迪士尼 huá tè · dí shì ní)once said, “I only hope that we never lose sight of one thing, that it was all started by a mouse.” A century has passed, and his wish indeed came true. Today, who doesn’t know Mickey Mouse and Disney? This year, Disney is celebrating their 100th anniversary (迪士尼100周年纪念日 dí shì ní 100 […]


婷婷的外国朋友无意间听到了一句中文“你真的是我的伯乐啊。“,朋友问到:”什么是伯乐,是爱人的意思吗? “ 婷婷想了想,不知道如何用一两句话来解释,如果你是婷婷,要如何帮助你的朋友呢? 中华文化博大精深,五千多年的积淀留给了我们许多精彩的典故,成语,传说和歇后语。外国学生或外国友人在学习了解中文的同时,不免会遇到关于中国文化的问题和疑惑。你能很好地用英语或者其他的语言介绍和解释这些语言背后的典故、传说和文化现象吗? 我们一起来试一试吧。



Everything You Need to Know about Mid-Autumn Festival (中秋节)

Mid-Autumn Festival (中秋节 zhōng qiū jié), commonly referred to as the  Moon Festival, is observed every year on the fifteenth day of the eighth month of the Chinese calendar. This year, that day falls on September 29. Families and friends gather to celebrate this holiday with fun activities like moon gazing, moon cake eating, and bunny lantern making. We’re not unfamiliar with this yearly event, but only a few […]

Practical Tips & Tricks to Learn Chinese Effectively

建国君民,教学为先 jiàn guó jūn mín , jiào xué wéi xiān “The foundation of establishing a country lies in prioritizing education.” It is widely acknowledged the fact that China has undergone a massive development in the last decades. One of the major contributing factors is the good education system that the country has. The key to a successful education system lies […]