Month: November 2023

打开世界之门:Mandarin Inn 教学总监谈中文教育的国际视野

Biz Mandarin Mastery: 5 Key Phrases for Year-End Summaries!
Unlock the essential Mandarin vocabulary for business reporting with Mandarin Inn. Master terms like “年终, 总结, 报告, 成就, 计划” to excel in your year-end summaries and plans.

掌握中文教学的艺术。加入Mandarin Inn,通过我们的6步指南,获取汉语教师证书,开启教学生涯。立即行动,成就未来!

The Heart of Gratitude: 5 Ways to Express Thanks in Mandarin
Explore the nuances of Mandarin gratitude with Mandarin Inn Chinese School's insightful guide. Learn five distinct phrases to express thanks in Mandarin and embrace the cultural etiquette that makes your Mandarin as heartfelt as it is fluent. Perfect for students preparing for Thanksgiving or anyone looking to deepen their language skills.
Mandarin Inn见证:Rolando的《国际中文教师证书》之旅
探索Mandarin Inn学员Rolando的成长之旅,了解他如何通过《国际中文教师证书》课程迈向对外汉语教育的专业领域。感受语言学习与文化交流的深刻联系,启发你的教育激情。