老外在天朝 | Story of a Game company Executive Learning Chinese

Mandarin Inn Mandarin lnn对外汉语中心 引言: 在本期访谈中,我们高兴地邀请到 Julien,这位来自法国就职于游戏公司的高管,与我们分享了很多他与中国结缘的故事,无论是在中国工作还是生活,都能收获到很多有趣的体验,就如同学习中文一样,他觉得学习一门语言重在习惯和持续不断地努力,这和我们中国文化中经常提及的“贵在坚持”不谋而合。让我们一起来听听他的学习经历吧! Introduction: In this episode, we are pleased to have Julien, an executive from a game company and a native of France, join us to share many of his stories about connecting with China. Whether it’s working or living in China, he has gained many interesting experiences, much like his […]