How does ChatGPT view Chinese learning?

Let's see how does ChatGPT view Chinese learning? What are some good suggestions for Chinese learners?

Mandarin Inn 问了ChatGPT 这样5个问题…

Mandarin Inn作为一个语言教学机构,也对同为“语言工作者”的ChatGPT充满了好奇,并与ChatGPT展开了一场精彩的对话。让我们看看两位在“国际中文教育”这个议题下,能碰撞出怎样的火花呢?

How to say 29th of February in Chinese ?

Do you know what is a leap year? How often do they occur? Let’s check out those answers together !

4 Chinese Childhood Games and 2 Chinese Rhymes

June 1st is the International Children's Day. 六一儿童节快乐!liù yī ér tóng jié kuài lè !

【老外在天朝│Interview】Learning Chinese is a rewarding process

Isabel is originally from the United States. She worked as a teacher in Florida until she met her husband, who accepted a job offer in Hong Kong, which is what brought them to Asia. Isabel has been studying at Mandarin Inn for two of those years. Currently, Isabel is taking the beginner HSK 1 course. Let’s see what she has said about her Chinese learning journey!

MI 为师之道│成为国际汉语教师,做文化交流的媒介


MI 学员访谈|为汉语发声,中文老师任重而道远

疫情前,受一位同事“转变赛道”的启发,Stella开始在Mandarin Inn学习国际中文教师的培训课程,开启了全新的尝试。 虽然最初Stella是从职业规划的调整而开启了自己的学习之旅,但是现在的她认为,国际中文教师培训的课程,对她来说更像是一扇窗……让我们一起听听Stella的学习经历分享吧。

Where do fish keep their money?

愚人节(April Fools ' Day)is coming. Are you ready for a “surprise”? Have you prepared  “恶搞” “套路” for others?

5 books you must read in this lifetime.

To promote the value of reading among us, and to encourage more people to stroll through the library and explore the ocean of books, Mandarin Inn has good book recommendations for you, which show the charm of reading.