How to say 29th of February in Chinese ?

Why is there no February 29th this year?
February 29th is a leap day (闰日rùn rì), but 2023 is not a leap year(闰年rùn nián). So February has only 28 days in 2023. The last leap day was February 29, 2020. And the next one is February 29, 2024.We use leap years to keep our calendar in sync with the seasons. Do you know what is a leap year? How often do they occur? Let’s check out those answers together !

What is a leap year?Leap years are years where an extra day is added to the end of the shortest month, February. This so-called intercalary day, February 29th(二月二十九日, èr yuè èr shí jiǔ rì), is commonly referred to as leap day. Leap years have 366 days instead of the usual 365 days and occur almost every four years. In other words, leap days keep our calendar in alignment with Earth’s revolutions around the Sun. How to say “a leap day” in Chinese?

rùn rì

闰日a leap day.

èr yuè èr shí jiǔ rì shì rùn rì

二月二十九日是闰日。Feb. 29th is an intercalary day.

rùn nián

闰年a leap year

sì nián yí rùn

四年一闰 A leap year occurs once every four year.

How to describe other dates in Chinese?

yī yuè 一月January

èr yuè  二月February

sān yuè 三月 March

sì yuè 四月 April

wǔ yuè 五月 May

liù yuè 六月 June

qī yuè 七月 July

bā yuè 八月 August

jiǔ yuè 九月September

shí yuè 十月 October

shí yī yuè 十一月 November

shí èr  yuè 十二月 December

Wǒ de shēng rì shì yī jiǔ jiǔ bā nián èr yuè èr shí jiǔ rì.


My birthday is February 29th, 1998.

Yú rén jié shì sì yuè yī rì.


April Fool’s Day is April 1st.

Míng tiān shì èr yuè èr shí bā rì.


Tomorrow is February 28th.

When is your birthday?Do you know how to introduce your birthday in Chinese ?

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