The Heart of Gratitude: 5 Ways to Express Thanks in Mandarin

Explore the nuances of Mandarin gratitude with Mandarin Inn Chinese School's insightful guide. Learn five distinct phrases to express thanks in Mandarin and embrace the cultural etiquette that makes your Mandarin as heartfelt as it is fluent. Perfect for students preparing for Thanksgiving or anyone looking to deepen their language skills.

MI 教师访谈|追寻自己的人生道路

这一次的访谈,我们在Mandarin Inn的教师——Vita,会分享给我们她作为对外汉语教师的经验。让我们来看看今天的访谈内容吧! 我小时候喜欢看“汉语桥”,从那时起就一直有一个教外国人说中文的梦想。于是在本科毕业前,我毅然决然地选择了跨专业到汉语国际教育攻读研究生。我研究生三年是在华东师范大学度过的。读书期间,我曾在上海的国际学校做过中文部实习教师,也参加过很多线上中文教学项目,教过来自英国、瑞士、瑞典、厄瓜多尔等不同国家不同年龄的学生。

Navigate Around The City Like The Locals

Do you know that 22nd of September is marked as World Car-Free Day (世界无车日shì jiè wú chē rì)? This day is celebrated to encourage people to reduce the use of private cars and instead use alternative forms of transportation such as walking, cycling, or using public transport. As of 2023, there are more than 4 million cars mobilizing across Shanghai, causing […]

Include These Activities on your Autumn To-Do-List!

It feels like just yesterday we were welcoming the warmth of spring, and now, in a blink of an eye (眨眼之间 zhǎ yǎn zhī jiān), we are already entering the ninth month of 2023. Fall(秋天 qiū tiān) is approaching soon. You can witness the leaves turn golden as they fall to the ground, feel the air turn crisper, and enjoy the […]

How To Address Your Family Members Correctly in Chinese

In Chinese culture, the concept of the big family has always been a major topic. People respect elderly relatives and care for their young. Chinese people have a special day to show their love and comemmorate their loved ones who have passed away. 中元节 zhōng yuán jié falls on the 15th of the 7th month of the lunar calendar each year.  During […]
Express Your Love With These Chinese Sayings

Express Your Love With These Chinese Sayings

Are you noticing love ornaments and decorations in every corner of the city? Perhaps are you receiving special love gestures lately? This is because the Chinese are celebrating 七夕节 (qī xī jié). Curious what does this mean? Find out more below! 七夕节(qī xī jié) or better known as the Double-Seventh Festival / Qixi Festival / Magpie Festival is a Chinese Valentine’s Day based on a […]
Learn These Chinese Slangs

Learn These Chinese Buzzwords and Speak Like The Locals

Happy International Youth Day (国际青年节guó jì qīng nián jié) everyone! Do you know what buzzwords Chinese young people are using these days? Let’s learn these words to surprise your Chinese friends/colleagues tomorrow!  Here are some Chinese internet slangs you can use to blend in with the locals! 1. 栓Q (shuān Q)= thank you(speechless) 我刚刚喝了一杯咖啡,你又做了一杯,栓Q啊! wǒ gāng gāng hē le yī bēi […]
Essential Fitness Vocabularies in Chinese

Essential Fitness Vocabularies in Chinese

Summer is the perfect season to go out and soak up under the sun. As the heat is spiking up, our spirit to do exercise must also rise. Just in time with the 15th National Fitness Day(全民健身日 quán mín jiàn shēn rì), promoting a healthy lifestyle and encouraging physical activities has become a significant goal for society. […]
11 ways to call a man in Chinese

11 ways to address the man in Chinese

In China, if you have been called 帅哥 shuài gē on the street, don’t panic. It is a respectful way to address you, which means “handsome or good looking”. It is quite widely used, you can call your friend 帅哥 shuài gē, call a young man or even a close colleague. But please don’t use this phrase on […]

Use it and Have Fun with it — Hello Chinese

Every language should be used, rather than  placed highly on a bookshelf. From simply saying “Hello” to expressing your feelings and opinions, from being able to scrabble a few sentences to writing a poem, it should be done step by step.