Exploring Mandarin: Insights from a Cambridge Professor



In a world of cultural diversity, the pursuit of language proficiency opens doors to new experiences and understanding. Meet Martin, a scholar from Denmark, whose journey led him from the historic halls of Cambridge to the bustling streets of Shanghai. His quest for linguistic mastery brought him to Mandarin Inn, where he delved into the intricacies of Mandarin Chinese. Join us as we explore Martin’s insights and experiences in his pursuit of mastering Mandarin.

在一个多元文化的世界里,语言技能的追求打开了通往新体验和理解的大门。让我们认识一下马丁,他是来自丹麦的学者,他的旅程将他从剑桥的历史大厅带到了繁华的上海街头。他对语言技能的追求将他带到了中文学校Mandarin Inn,在那里他深入探究了汉语的复杂性。让我们一起探索马丁在掌握汉语过程中的见解和经历。


Interview Transcript:

Embracing Cultural Immersion 拥抱文化融合

MI: Martin, could you share a bit about your background and what brought you to China? 


Martin: I’m Martin from Denmark, Copenhagen, but I left. I’ve lived and worked in Cambridge for almost twenty years now and I went to China for work. Then, after I completed a tour around many different cities, I embarked on this one-month study stay in Shanghai to improve my Mandarin. 


The Value of Learning Mandarin 学习汉语的价值

MI: Do you think it is useful for foreigners to learn Mandarin? Why? And why do you want to learn Mandarin?


Martin: As a graduate tutor at the University of Cambridge, I’ve had many Chinese students over the years, and I’ve always been impressed by the discipline of my Chinese students. Now, Wolfson College in Cambridge, where I work, has always been relatively popular with international students, including Chinese students. So, over the years, I gradually developed an interest in Chinese education, culture, and Chinese culture more generally. And I think learning the language is a great way to understand the culture and to learn a culture.



Navigating the Learning Process 学习过程中的导航

MI: As a good student, how do you learn Mandarin? Would you like to share your tips? 


Martin: Am I a good student? I don’t know. Like most students, I should probably practice more. I’ve always enjoyed learning grammar concepts because grammar is something that we can understand. You can learn the rules and you can understand the rules. And then I find that very interesting. Whereas vocabulary is much more difficult to absorb because there’s nothing to understand. You just have to learn it by heart and memorize it. And I find that much more difficult.


The Role of Teachers 教师的角色

MI: Would you like to talk about your teacher? Do you like him/her? And what kinds of teacher’s behavior will encourage you to learn Mandarin?


Martin: My teachers were great. I had two teachers, as you know, and they were very generous to answer my many questions when I approached the learning process in a very academic way, probably because I am an academic myself. But they were great and they also included lots of cultural background and contextual knowledge, and that made the sessions very interesting, especially these three-hour sessions, you know, they were very long. So, it was nice to have this sort of cultural background added in.



Immersive Learning Experiences 沉浸式学习体验

MI: In addition to regular courses, we also have a lot of online resources. Have you used them before? Do you find them helpful?


Martin: I have to say I don’t enjoy online learning at all. It may be a generational difference, but I’m much more motivated by the personal contact that characterizes in-person teaching. And that’s also why I chose to take the intensive course in Mandarin Inn while I was in Shanghai. So I wanted to immerse myself in Chinese culture and the Chinese language, and you just cannot get that kind of immersion experience online.

我必须说我根本不喜欢在线学习。可能是因为代沟的缘故,但我更受到个人接触的激励,这是个人教学的特点。这也是为什么我选择在上海的时候在Mandarin Inn上学强化课程的原因。所以我想要沉浸在中国文化和中文语言中,而你在网上是无法得到这样的沉浸体验的。


Discovering Shanghai 探索上海

MI: Is this your first time in Shanghai? How do you find the city?


Martin: Shanghai is great. It was my first time there and as I said before, on my work trip before I came to Shanghai, I had also visited schools and universities in Beijing, Nanjing, Suzhou, Guangzhou, Dongguan, etc., and one of the many aspects of Shanghai that makes it, that makes the city very livable is the very well-developed transportation infrastructure. This was really great. I was never concerned about how I would get from a to b or how expensive it would be or how long it would take because both the metro and DiDi are so efficient and cheap.



Impressions of Mandarin Inn 对汉吟的印象

MI: We are honored to have you studying at our school. How do you find Mandarin Inn? Could you provide us with some suggestions?

我们很荣幸能有你来我们学校学习。你觉得Mandarin Inn怎么样?你能提供一些建议吗?

Martin: I was referred to Mandarin Inn by a friend of a friend of mine who had taken her own training as a Chinese teacher at Mandarin Inn. In fact, we initially discussed whether she would be my teacher, but it didn’t work out because I wanted so many hours every day. That’s how I ended up at Mandarin Inn.

我是通过一个朋友的朋友介绍去的Mandarin Inn,她曾经在那里接受过自己的汉语教师培训。事实上,我们最初讨论过她是否会成为我的老师,但由于我每天想要这么多小时的课程,事情并没有成。所以我最后来到了Mandarin Inn。

Challenges and Rewards 挑战与回报

MI: Do you have any interesting things during your Mandarin study or the problems (details should be good) you meet in your daily life as the language to share to us?


Martin: A real issue is just how difficult pronunciation really is. You know, all my Chinese teachers, I’ve had one in Cambridge and two in Shanghai. They have, of course, all been very generous in the sense that they understand what I say when I get the tones wrong. That’s acceptable for one because it’s in a learning context. And, but secondly, probably because Mandarin teachers themselves are probably more tolerant than normal people in real life.



Favorite Chinese Phrase 最喜欢的中文短语

MI: Finally, could you share with us your favorite Chinese sentence?


Martin: I could say: 我来自剑桥的上海朋友的朋友在Mandarin Inn学习当中文老师。(语法上可以理解.)

Martin’s journey in learning Mandarin reflects the dedication and passion many language learners bring to their studies. His experience at Mandarin Inn highlights the importance of immersive learning environments and the role of dedicated teachers in facilitating language acquisition. As Martin continues to navigate the challenges of mastering Mandarin, his story serves as an inspiration to others embarking on their own language learning journeys.

马丁学习汉语的旅程反映了许多语言学习者在学习过程中带来的专注和激情。他在Mandarin Inn的经历突显了沉浸式学习环境的重要性以及专注教师在促进语言习得中的作用。随着马丁继续应对掌握汉语的挑战,他的故事成为其他人踏上语言学习之旅的启示。

Are you inspired by Martin’s story and eager to embark on your own language learning adventure? Visit Mandarin Inn Chinese School or check our courses to learn more about our courses and start your journey towards linguistic and cultural fluency today!

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