4 Steps to Use Shared Bikes in Shanghai

世界地球日Shìjiè dìqiú rì”(Earth Day) is an annual event on April 22nd to demonstrate support for environmental protection. The official theme for 2023 is Invest In Our Planet. As a member of our global village, it is our duty to invest our concern and action to ward the natural environment.

Low-carbon commuting is widely encouraged in our daily life. It is a proactive mode of transportation that can reduce carbon dioxide emissions. And the most popular way is shared bikes, especially in Shanghai. 

dī tàn chū xíng

低碳出行Low carbon travel

gòng xiǎng dān chē

共享单车Shared bikesThe bike-sharing business, which took off in big Chinese cities less than two years ago, allows riders to hire bikes for as little as ¥ 2 ( about 15 U.S. cents) per hour via a mobile app and drop them off anywhere for the next user. 

Do you know how to use them?


找车,选择颜色(选择app) To find a car and choose a color (select app)


扫码,等待开锁。Scanning the code and waiting for unlocking


开锁成功,开始骑行。Unlocking successfully and start cycling.


停在指定地点,锁车。Park at the assigned location and lock the car.

How do you commute in Shanghai? 

Leave us the answer in the comment area!


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