Day: July 23, 2023
Small Talk in Chinese: 5 Topics to Get You Started
When learning a new language, being able to produce sentences is often the best way to go about practicing. Small talk is the best way for beginners to start using the language and tolearn about the cultural norms of the language they are learning, including in Chinese.
跟我教汉语 | “从”和“自从”不一样
Bert从到Mandarin Inn以后,每天都很认真地学习中文。 Bert自从到Mandarin Inn,每天都很认真地学习中文。 汉语课上,Denny觉得以上这两个句子既然意思一样,便脱口而出:“Bert从到Mandarin Inn,每天都很认真地学习中文。”一旁的Hunk听了后感到一头雾水:“为什么我觉得你这个句子读起来很奇怪?”
【老外在天朝│Interview】Learning mandarin is an adventure of the mind
Julien is a student from France who has been studying at Mandarin Inn for 2years. He thinks that learning mandarin for westerner especially is first-of-all an adventure of the mind. As in any real adventure, there are some tigers on the road. We’re all bound to make mistakes (especially with the accents)! But it will also be very rewarding, to try some food or communicate with some people you’d otherwise never meet.Interested in what she considers the most important method of learning Chinese? Let's have a look together!
MI 学员故事│用心感受汉语的人文魅力
上Mandarin Inn《国际中文教师证书》培训课程的Wendy是一名专业舞者。她在国外的生活经历极大地培养了她对不同语言及文化的兴趣,想要了解她在Mandarin Inn的学习感受吗?那我们一起来听听她的内心体会吧!
5 Ways to Say Goodbye in Chinese
Greetings and send-offs are probably among the most common phrases you’d learn when you’re just getting started on a language.
Let’s Talk Feelings and Emotions in Chinese
Feelings and emotions are an innate part of human nature. It is one of the first things we communicate when we learn to talk as babies.
跟我教汉语 | “为”和“为了”一样吗?
【老外在天朝│Interview】Teachers are for me a safe place to bulit up confidence
Michaela 来自德国,在Mandarin Inn已经学习了九个月的中文。她觉得在异国学习当地的语言很重要,不仅仅是为了交流,更是可以了解语言背后的文化,从而更好的去理解人们所思考的和他们的观点。她有什么好的学习方法呢?