Essential Fitness Vocabularies in Chinese

Essential Fitness Vocabularies in Chinese

Summer is the perfect season to go out and soak up under the sun. As the heat is spiking up, our spirit to do exercise must also rise. Just in time with the 15th National Fitness Day(全民健身日 quán mín jiàn shēn rì), promoting a healthy lifestyle and encouraging physical activities has become a significant goal for society. This year’s celebration highlights the theme “National Fitness Draws a Happy Life” (“全民健身 绘就幸福生活” “ quán mín jiàn shēn huì jiù xìng fú shēng huó ”). Are you wondering what kind of exercise the Chinese people usually do? We have summarized it all for you!

1. Spinning top(抽陀螺 chōu tuó luó)

What is this pinning toy that people are playing at the park? It is an ancient traditional folk game activity where a whip is used to continuously hit a conical object, causing it to rotate on smooth ground.You will hear the sound of whipping far a way. It is surely a game of technic, body coordination and control.

2.  Park dance (广场舞 guǎng chǎngwǔ)

Have you ever seen a group of ladies dancing in the park? Well, this is called 广场舞. They uniformly dance together, usually accompanied by high-pitched and rhythmic music. You are always welcome to join the dancing group. They will welcome you in with smiles. 

3. Playing diabol (抖空竹 dǒu kōng zhú)

Introducing the Chinese version of Yo-yo. This exercise is played by anyone, regardless of their age, as it is very interesting. Do you want to have a try the next time you see someone playing at the park? 

4. Tai Chi (太极拳 tài jí quán)

Tai Chi is one of the most popular Chinese traditional exercises and is commonly practiced to improve health and self-defense. Let’s take a peek at the Tai Chi event that was previously held by Mandarin Inn.

Aside from the traditional ones mentioned above, there are other more common sports among youngsters:

1. 滑板 huá bǎn:skateboards

2. 橄榄球 gǎn lǎn qiú:football

3. 飞盘 fēi pán:frisbee

4. 拳击 quán jī:boxing

5. 网球 wǎng qiú:tennis

But if you are a regular gym user, here are some basic conversations you can use there!

How about going to the gym? There’s one really close to work.

去健身房怎么样? 公司附近就有一家。

qù jiàn shēn fáng zěn me yàng ? gōng sī fù jìn jiù yǒu yī jiā。

Do you know how much the memberships are? Are they having a promotion right now?


nǐ zhī dào huì yuán duō shǎo qián ma ?xiàn zài yǒu méi yǒu cù xiāo huó dòng ?

Would you like to get in shape together?


nǐ xiǎng yī qǐ qù jiàn shēn ma ?

Lately, I am feeling a bit out of shape. I’m thinking about working out and going on a diet. 


wǒ zuì jìn jué de shēn cái zǒu yàng le 。 wǒ zài kǎo lǜ jiàn shēn hé jié shí le。

Commonly used fitness equipment (器材 qì cái ):

1. 跳绳  tiào shéng:skipping rope

2. 哑铃  yǎ líng:dumbbell

3. 呼啦圈 hū lāquān:hoola hoop

4. 划船机 huá chuán jī :rowing machine

5. 跑步机  pǎo bù jī :treadmill

6. 健身单车 jiàn shēn dān chē :stationary bike

7. 握力器  wò lì qì: hand grip

Some popular fitness classes (操课  cāo kè):

1. 杠铃操 gàng líng cāo:body pump class

2. 踏板操 tà bǎn cāo:step class

3. 搏击操 bó jī cāo: boxing class

4. 有氧操 yǒu yǎng cāo: aerobic class

5. 各类舞蹈课 gè lèi wǔ dǎo kè: dance class

6. 单车dān chē: spinning class

7. 瑜伽yú jiā: yoga

8. 普拉提pǔ lā tí: pilates

Healthy food related vocabulary (健身饮食 jiàn shēn yǐn shí):

1. 饮食 yǐn shí:diet 

2. 瘦牛肉 shòu niú ròu:fatless beef

3. 燕麦片 yàn mài piàn:oatmeal

4. 藜麦  lí mài:quinoa

5. 西兰花 xī lán huā:broccoli

6. 三文鱼 sān wén yú:salmon

7. 鸡蛋 jī dàn:eggs

8. 南瓜 nán guā:pumpkin

9. 紫薯 zǐ shǔ:purple potato

10. 谷物 gǔ wù:grain 

11. 鸡胸肉 jī xiōng ròu:chicken breast

12. 营养 yíng yǎng:nutrition

13. 碳水化合物 tàn shuǐ huà hé wù:carbohydrate

14. 蛋白质 dàn bái zhì: protein 

15. 能量饮料 néng liàng yǐn liào:energy drink 

16. 脂肪  zhī fáng: fat 

17. 维生素  wéi shēng sù:vitamin  

18. 卡路里 kǎ lù lǐ :calorie

19. 有机的 yǒu jī de:organic 

20. 油腻的 yóu nì de:greasy

While doing regular exercise (经常锻炼 jīng cháng duàn liàn)is vital to maintain your health(保持身体健康 bǎo chí shēn tǐ jiàn kāng)controlling your food intake is just as important as the prior. Moreover, you should also eat nutritious food吃营养丰富的食物 chī yíng yǎng fēng fù de shíwù)stay hydrated(保持水分充足 bǎo chí shuǐ fèn chōng zú), and get enough sleep睡眠充足 shuì mián chōng zú)

Rember this Chinese saying and you have mastered the secret of fitness! Happy exercise, everybody! 

管住嘴,迈开腿 !

guǎn zhù zuǐ ,mài kāi tuǐ 

Control your mouth, and move your legs!

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