Moon As My Heart

ROMEO:Lady, by yonder blessed moon I vow,That tips with silver all these fruit-tree tops.
JULIET:O, swear not by the moon, the inconstant moon,That monthly change in her circle orb,Lest that thy love prove likewise variable.

A classical part from the Romeo and Juliet, a confession of love on the balcony. In the view of Shakespeare, the moon is something lunatic, instant. Yet in China it is just the opposite. Today is the moon festival in China and this article is about the cultural meaning of moon in China.

When the moon is rising up in the sky, the world is covered by silver light at night. She is bright and silent. Yeah, we prefer to regard the sun as a male character and the moon a female. Unlike the sun, for Chinese the moon is soft and humble. The sun shines, warming and passionate. The moon sheds moonlight on us, on each plants and creatures,like cool breeze and brooklet. It gives the landscapes a sense of mystery, nobleness and purity, which makes people feel peaceful and inspires the Chinese to express their emotions. The moon culture is a reflection of Chinese human spirit.

This special feeling about the moon can be found in a huge number of literatures and poets where different emotions are shown by describing the moon. In these poems and literatures, the moon is snow white, bright and gentle. And when it rises, the landscape surrounding is wrapped by a filmy veil. This filminess arouses the imagination of Chinese poets.

 In spring the river rises as high as the sea,And with the river’s rise the moon uprisen bright.

She follows the rolling waves for ten thousand li,

And where the river flows, there overflows her light.

The river winds around the fragrant islet where

The blooming flowers in her light all look like snow.

You cannot tell her beams from hoar frost in the air,

Nor from white sand upon Farewell Beach below.

— A segment from <A Moonlit Night On The Spring River> of Zhang Ruoxu




空里流霜不觉飞, 汀上白沙看不见。

— 《春江花月夜》节选 张若虚

Mr. Zhang had dyed all colors of landscapes with moonlight in his poetry, unrolling a painting of tranquil landscape of Southern China in front of our eyes. 

This passion and imagination was also used by poets to describe an beautiful woman, together with the moon. 

The moon shines bright;

My lover’s snow-white. 

She looks so cute.

Can I be mute?

The bright moon gleams;

My lover beams.

Can I careFor her face fair?

The bright moon turns,

With love she burns.

Can I not pine For her hands fine?

— <Moonrise> from <The Book of Songs>







— 《诗经 月出》

The poem above began with the moon. Then the writer carries on to express his love and longing to her lover. The moon is round, 圆(yuán)in Chinese. 圆(yuán) also means “gathering and reunion” in Chinese.

The waxing and waning represents the parting and gathering of people. Chinese people put a great value on the family which makes the moon a perfect symbol to express their longing and miss toward loved ones. 

I saw the moonlight before my couch, 

And wondered if it were not the frost on the ground.

 I raised my head and looked out on the mountain moon,

 I bowed my head and though of my far-off home.— <On a quiet night> by Li bai



— 《静夜思》李白

Although sadness and griefs are main themes in ancient poets, wishes and hopes are also expressed though moon. The expectation between departing and gathering can be as tough and exciting at same time. We need to take our time and enjoy life at the moment. Like what the famous poet Su Shi written in one of his most widely-spread poetries: 

But rare is perfect happiness–

The moon does wax, the moon does wane,

And so men meet and say goodbye.

I only pray our life be long,

And our souls together heavenward fly!

— A part from <Poem for the melody> by Su Shi



— 《水调歌头》节选 苏轼

Hanging up in the sky every night, the moon is our familiar accompany yet so far away. People born and died, generations passed by while the moon remains unchanged. It inspires Chinese poets and philosophers to seek the final answer of the world and universe, in the past, at present and in the future.

The present people can’t see the ancient moon;

The present moon did shine over the ancient people.

The ancient and present people go away like flowing water;

They both witness the bright moon as it is.

— A segment from <Ask the Moon with a cup of wine in hand> by Li Bai



— 《把酒问月》节选 李白

The moon culture runs inside the vein of Chinese people. It does so as well all around the globe. The feelings toward moon are more or less shared by human beings. After all, despite our different languages and cultures, human beings are a one big family. I find it all the more so as a teacher at Mandarin Inn. More cultural exchange can help us understand each other better which leads to a better world. This is big! Learning a foreign language is definitely one of the best ways to do so!At the end of this text, you can hear a pop song named <The moon represents my heart> in Chinese. I hope you will fall in love with Chinese with this song. Share this feeling on this special day with the ones you care for and love.

月亮代表我的心音乐:齐秦 – 齐秦的世纪情歌之迷

English Text version:

You ask me whether I love you

And if my love is true

All my love is real

Nothing to conceal

The moon represents my heart

You ask me how much I love you

And if my love is true

My love will not change

Not with time or age

The moon represents my heart

Remember how we were

And the memory of your kiss

The love that we did shareI still long for and still miss

You ask how deeply I love you

And if my love is trueWell think about it, dear

And look around you here

The moon represents my heart


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