Business culture in China

Nowadays China becomes one of the most powerful and developed country in the world, it’s a known fact. More and more people start setting up a business with China, while making it is always important to pay attention to one`s country culture, especial when it comes to Asian countries. As everyone knows, Asia is a riddle wrapped in a mystery. 
So, today we will try to help to understand Chinese business culture better and give some advices while making a business. 

1. Guanxi/关系/ Relationship
This word is so common in a business context that people even do not translate it to English and say “guanxi” directly. Try to make as many new contacts as you can. When Chinese people do business they will mostly ask some partners introduce or recommend them a company rather than start leading a business with unknown company to them. Also if you need to find a new partner it is better to ask your Chinese colleagues` recommendation, they will not definitely introduce a bad company. For Chinese people of the most important thing in their life, especially in business is 面子/reputation.

So, if they recommended to you a bad company and you had some troubles because of it, it would be kind of their fault and they would lose their reputation, which they would not want to happen the most. If you have some contacts and you would like to develop your relationship, don’t forget to congratulate them their Chinese holidays, as Chinese New Year, Mid-term festival and so on. They will appreciate it, plus it will be a good way of reminding them of you. They might think of you when a new job opportunity comes. 

2. Politeness
Seems to be a so basic knowledge, but still many people ignore it. Chinese people are very sensitive and pay attention to words, and again rudeness can cause losing a reputation. If you are not satisfying with something, keep smiling and politely explain what is wrong. If Chinese opponents make a mistake, will not point at it directly, find a way to help them to save a reputation. They would definitely appreciate it and certainly make it worth your while.

3. Greeting
You always should to greet the oldest person or person with the highest rank. Chinese people revere older generation, so, you should follow this rule. the Chinese are very sensitive to touch. I won’t even stutter that it’s totally inappropriate to hug when you meet. sometimes when you hold out our hand for a handshake the Chinese just might nod their head or bow slightly, don’t insist on a handshake and don’t take it as an insult or anything else, handshake is in process of entering into Chinese culture. 
You should address people with their surname and ranks, if you don’t know their rank, then say their surname with mister, miss or misses. 

4. Preparation before business meeting
You must be always prepared.  The Chinese always pays attention to it, it is showing how professional and responsible you are. One of the good way to show that you are good prepared is to make business cards in English and Chinese. They will like it and it shows your respect to Chinese culture.
An important note, when someone gives you a business card, present or whatever it is you should always accept it with two hands – it is a sign of respect. When you gift or give something male sure you are doing it with two hands.

5. Presents
Never open presents in front of others. It is impolite, plus everyone will see it and if one`s present is not that expensive or good compare to others, this person will feel bad and lose a reputation/丢面子/丢脸. 
If you gift presents, remember, either you give them to everyone in the room or no one.
Don’t forget to gift with two hands!
What to gift and what you shouldn’t gift to Chinese people you will know in a new article ^^ 

Please, support us and tell us what you would like to know more about Chinese culture, we will appreciate it!


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