
春节来临,Mia和朋友们一起去外滩参加新年活动。Mia回来分享道“那天外滩处处都是人,我和朋友走散了,我处处找他。” Mia这句话听起来是不是怪怪的?你会怎样帮她纠正呢?“处处”和“到处”分别应该怎样使用呢?

How do Chinese people celebrate Chinese New Year?

​”兔年Tù Nián” (the year of rabbit) is coming. Do you know what dose “Nian” mean? How do Chinese people celebrate the new year? Let‘s check out the origin and culture of Chinese new year customs! 1. The origin of Nian In China, “Nian” was actually the name of a furious monster in ancient times. It […]

【老外在天朝│Interview】learning Chinese is a rewarding process

Mika is from Japan and came to Shanghai in 2022 Sep as her first time. She had not prepared for language before moving to Shanghai, but after arriving she realized Chinese is definitely necessary to enjoy life here. So she chose private class and her goal for the time being is to have daily conversation. […]

Happy Valentine’s Day! 情人节快乐!

We can convey our sincere love to others in a variety of ways, but language is the most direct and exquisite method. Let’s learn how to express love in Chinese on this sweet day! 1. 词汇 Words qíng rén jié 情人节 Valentine’s Day lǐ wù 礼物 present qìng zhù 庆祝 celebrate méi gui 玫瑰 rose […]

Decoding 520:The Chinese Slang for “I love you”

Happy 520! What is the reason that May 20th or May 21st are considered the prime days for marriage proposals and weddings in China every year? 521 wǔ èr yī 我爱你 wǒ ài nǐ 520 wǔ èr líng 我爱您 wǒ ài nín In Mandarin, the pronunciation of “5 wǔ “ is similar to that of […]

How does ChatGPT view Chinese learning?

Let's see how does ChatGPT view Chinese learning? What are some good suggestions for Chinese learners?

Mandarin Inn 问了ChatGPT 这样5个问题…

Mandarin Inn作为一个语言教学机构,也对同为“语言工作者”的ChatGPT充满了好奇,并与ChatGPT展开了一场精彩的对话。让我们看看两位在“国际中文教育”这个议题下,能碰撞出怎样的火花呢?

How to say 29th of February in Chinese ?

Do you know what is a leap year? How often do they occur? Let’s check out those answers together !

4 Chinese Childhood Games and 2 Chinese Rhymes

June 1st is the International Children's Day. 六一儿童节快乐!liù yī ér tóng jié kuài lè !