Event Recap | China APP Usage Guide Workshop

原创 Mandarin Inn 

APP Guide Workshop to learn how to use the most essential apps for daily life in China. demonstrated how to find the English version of apps and use mini-programs within WeChat and Alipay to order food or hail a taxi.


(Do you know the secret to ordering the perfect hotpot?)

(Screenshot for the User Guide)

Our instructor guided everyone step-by-step with real-life scenarios.

For example, she showed how to split the bill with friends using Alipay at a local hotpot restaurant or how to place an order for coffee delivery on “Ele.me” while relaxing in a park. Through careful explanations, participants gained confidence in making digital payments, socializing, finding delicious food, and traveling conveniently in China.我们的讲师耐心地通过实际生活场景引导大家进行操作。例如,她演示了如何在本地火锅店与朋友通过支付宝进行AA制分账,或者如何在公园里使用“饿了么”APP下单喜爱的咖啡外送。通过老师耐心细致的讲解,确保每个人都能自信地进行数字支付、社交互动,甚至在中国点外卖、找美食、便捷出行。

(Why is there an intense discussion? What’s the buzz about?)

Participants expressed how much they benefited from the session. At Mandarin Inn, we want every participant to feel at home. From personalized support to thoughtful guidance, our goal is to help you integrate into your new life in China with ease and joy. We hope everyone left with newfound confidence, practical skills, and perhaps a few new friends! Thank you to everyone who attended—your enthusiasm made this event truly special.

参与者们也纷纷表示很有收获。在 Mandarin Inn,我们希望每位参与者都能感受到家的温暖。从个性化支持到贴心指导,我们的目标是帮助您轻松愉快地融入中国的新生活。希望大家带着新的信心、实用的技能,以及可能结识了一些新朋友离开!感谢所有出席的朋友们——你们的热情让这次活动如此特别。

Stay tuned for more exciting events and workshops. We can’t wait to see you again soon!


Spreading Chinese Culture 传播中国文化

Mandarin Inn is not just about teaching Chinese; we are dedicated to sharing the rich tapestry of Chinese culture with the world. Our calendar is brimming with cultural events happening every month, and we can’t wait for you to join us. Whether it’s learning about traditional customs, celebrating festivals, or diving into the wonders of Chinese cuisine, there’s always something exciting happening here.

Mandarin Inn不仅致力于教授中文,还致力于与世界分享丰富多彩的中国文化。我们的日历上每个月都充满文化活动,迫不及待地期待您的加入。无论是了解传统习俗、庆祝节日还是深入探索中国美食的奥秘,这里总有令人兴奋的事情发生。

If you have any special requests or ideas for cultural events, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We’re here to make your Chinese learning journey not only educational but also a lot of fun. Stay tuned for more updates and cultural adventures with Mandarin Inn! 🌏🌟

如果您有任何特殊的文化活动需求或想法,请随时与我们联系。我们的目标是使您的中文学习之旅不仅具有教育性,而且充满乐趣。请继续关注Mandarin Inn,以获取更多更新和文化冒险!🌏🌟

Do you want to have a guided Mandarin learning experience? Mandarin Inn offers various Chinese course programs, starting from 1-on-1 coursegroup class, to online class; everything is adjustable to your own schedule! 

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