More Than Half of the Holiday Is Gone. This Is How You Feel…

Alert! Today is already the 5th day of October, which means there is not many lazy days left!! Some people joined the crowds going sightseeing or eating local delicacy; some stayed at home enjoying alone time with family; while a small group still at work.  How have you been for the last few days? Welcome to share how you spent holiday with us!

How Is Nine “Golden” And Ten “Silver”?

Have you ever heard of the saying Golden Nine and Silver Ten(金九银十 jīn jiǔ yín shí)?To be exact, the idiom refers to the golden months in many fields: September and October. It is the season favored by people, especially popular among sales in China. Where does the term come from and why should you grasp this opportunity if you have business in China? Take a look!  

Another Day Deserves A Holiday

Chinese have many traditional festivals: Spring Festival to celebrate the new year, Tomb-sweeping Day to memorize those passed away, Mid-autumn Festival to reunite families…etc. Do you know what day is this Sunday? October 25, the ninth day of the ninth lunar month this year is also an important day with long history. If you have not heard about Chongyang Jie or the Double Ninth Day(重阳节 chóng yáng jié), read the following...

Good Things Come in Pair

Time has passed in the twinkling of an eye, how is your 2020 so far? It is almost the end of October. Before moving on to the next year, we only have two months left. This year is a bit hard for many of us and we have learned to cherish people around. If you have not started your plan to learn Chinese, then you should not miss the following golden chance before 2020 slips away!

Don’t Know How to Save Money in Double 11? Read This!

It is time for the Double 11 Shopping Carnival again. Are there anything on your shopping list? It is said every year this time would be the best chance to stock up goods. Are you a participant or a bystander? If you happen to do some shopping, check this article out. It may save you a huge amount of cost! 

What Makes Them Come to Shanghai for Half-month Quarantine?

700 years ago, 17-year-old Marco Polo, arrived China following his father and uncle after 4 years’ long trip. The Travel of Marco Polo unveiled the mysterious oriental world for the whole Europe at that time. Now 700 years later, a man with the same name, Marco, and his business partner visited Shanghai from Naples, after a stopover in London and 14 days of quarantine…what for?

It Is Time to Put on Your “Me More Cool” Now!

There is a joke saying you may not catch cold for not wearing “Me More Cool” in winter; but your may end up with a broken leg by your mum... 

8 Christmas Wishes & Messages in Chinese

Christmas is a good time to have a break and show your care to the loved ones by sending wishes and gifts for each others. Besides a simple sentence Merry Christmas(圣诞快乐 shèngdàn kuàilè), do you know any other wishes you can say on the special day? Here are some Christmas messages in Chinese that you may take a reference for your families, friends, lovers, or colleague...etc. Hope you find it useful! 

How Much Do You Know about Dōngzhì?

You may be familiar with the coming Christmas that everyone is looking forward, but do you know what day is today to Chinese people? Well, one of the most important day from the four seasons and 24 solar terms falls right on today, Winter Solstice(冬至 Dōngzhì). The saying of “Winter Solstice is as significant as the Spring Festival” fully explains how big this day is. Whether you are confident about your Chinese knowledge or want to know about Dōngzhì, try to test yourself by the following fun quiz!

Have You Made Your New Year Resolution?

In the last few days of 2020, are you busy writing the summary for this year? In addition to closing the past year, what is your new year resolution(新年决心 xīnnián juéxīn) for 2021? Do you know how to express it in Mandarin? If you have no idea about your plan, hope this article can inspire you.