

Navigate Around The City Like The Locals

Do you know that 22nd of September is marked as World Car-Free Day (世界无车日shì jiè wú chē rì)? This day is celebrated to encourage people to reduce the use of private cars and instead use alternative forms of transportation such as walking, cycling, or using public transport. As of 2023, there are more than 4 million cars mobilizing across Shanghai, causing […]

Include These Activities on your Autumn To-Do-List!

It feels like just yesterday we were welcoming the warmth of spring, and now, in a blink of an eye (眨眼之间 zhǎ yǎn zhī jiān), we are already entering the ninth month of 2023. Fall(秋天 qiū tiān) is approaching soon. You can witness the leaves turn golden as they fall to the ground, feel the air turn crisper, and enjoy the […]

How To Address Your Family Members Correctly in Chinese

In Chinese culture, the concept of the big family has always been a major topic. People respect elderly relatives and care for their young. Chinese people have a special day to show their love and comemmorate their loved ones who have passed away. 中元节 zhōng yuán jié falls on the 15th of the 7th month of the lunar calendar each year.  During […]

8 terms you must know when traveling in China

The Spring Festival is upcoming, and a majority of Chinese are going to return home or plan a journey with their family. There will be a continuously increasing volume of passengers, named “ the Spring Festival travel rush”.

8 Tourist Attractions in China

If you’ve never stepped foot on the land surrounded by sceneries and attractions that are out of this world, you’ve been missing out. Today we will walk you through 8 different tourist attractions in China that are a must-visit for anyone who is traveling to China for the first time.

【老外在天朝│Interview】learning Chinese is a rewarding process

Mika is from Japan and came to Shanghai in 2022 Sep as her first time. She had not prepared for language before moving to Shanghai, but after arriving she realized Chinese is definitely necessary to enjoy life here. So she chose private class and her goal for the time being is to have daily conversation. […]