10 Most Frequently-used Chinese Measure Words

As a Chinese English-language-learner, I was trying to find a measure word subconsciously. Few English nouns require measure words, and literally every Mandarin noun needs a measure word.

跟我教汉语 | “吃不了”有几个意思?

正在看电视连续剧的Kathy听到了以下两个句子: (1)你给我买这么多的零食,我一个人吃不了。 (2)明天早上我要坐飞机去旅游,明天中午那顿饭我是吃不了的。 Kathy非常困惑地向Mandarin Inn的老师请教,这两个句子中的“吃不了”是不是一个意思。

How to move to China in 90 days – Part 1 (and not necessarily teach English)

For the past couple of years I’ve been wanting to see Asia and I knew it needed to be more than a 2 or 3 week vacation. One day I looked around and decided that nothing was keeping me in Canada but some cute family dogs (sorry family, I guess there’s you too.) So I booked a flight and let my 2 connections in China know that I was on my way!

The Fundamentals of Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year is the most important festival in Chinese culture. It is celebrated on the new moon of the first month according to the lunar calendar and is a time for family reunions and scrumptious feasts. While Chinese New Year is celebrated in Asian countries like China and Singapore, it is also celebrated in Chinatowns spanning New York City to San Francisco. Take the time to learn about traditions and how to wish others a happy new year in Chinese so that you can also partake in Chinese New Year festivities wherever you are in the world.

Chinese Traditions and Etiquette Tips

Learning proper Chinese etiquette takes time and practice. The most important thing to remember is to smile, be sincere, and open-minded. The ability to go with the flow and be patient is essential. The following are some Chinese traditions and etiquette tips.

My 10 Favorite Chinese Idioms and Sayings

Mandarin is a wonderful and interesting language to learn. I personally derive a lot of joy from learning Chinese idioms and sayings. Just like our English sayings and idioms, the Mandarin ones are packed full of meaning. I have put together a list of ten of my most favorites: