8 terms you must know when traveling in China

The Spring Festival is upcoming, and a majority of Chinese are going to return home or plan a journey with their family. There will be a continuously increasing volume of passengers, named “ the Spring Festival travel rush”.

What ’s your new year resolution for 2023 ?

Year in and year out, we bid farewell to 2022 and welcome 2023. The beginning of the year is regarded as a new start, in which individuals tend to express blessing to others as well as set goals for themselves. On New Year’s Day, everyone can make any desire into a goal for the coming year, including what we wish for to better ourselves.

【老外在天朝│Interview】Learning Chinese is useful

Iness is from France and has been in china for little over 2 years now. She took group classes in the first year for my HSK 1 but then stopped lessons during Shanghai lockdown. She restarted in October and just finished her HSK2. Let's see what she has said about her Chinese learning journey!

How to say “Winter is coming” in Chinese?

Winter is coming! How many Chinese words about winter do you know? How do you use them? Let's learn more now!

MI Event review | Learn Chinese at the restaurant

On November 24th, Mandarin Inn hosted a food-themed event "Learn Chinese while Eating and Drinking". On that day, 8 German ladies participated. All of them are new in China and very interested in Chinese food and food culture. Through the teaching and guidance of Teacher Sophia, they learned Chinese and understood Chinese food culture in practical situations. They not only enjoyed delicious food, but also practiced oral Chinese in dining circumstances.

MI Event Review | Online Open Class: I can talk about sports

11月17日晚,Mandarin Inn主办了一场以“谈论运动”为主题的线上公开课活动,本次课程主讲人是具有丰富汉语教学经验的Sophia老师。Sophia老师为前来听课的各位外国同学详细讲解了汉语中不同运动的名称以及描述个人喜好和运动计划的方法,并带领大家作了相应的练习活动。

Chinese expressions about new anti-epidemic measures

Recently, the announcement from the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council has published some new anti-epidemic measures. What are they? And do you know how to say these key phrases in Chinese?

【老外在天朝│Interview】Learning Chinese is a rewarding process

Aarjan is from Canada and has been studying Chinese at Mandarin Inn for three months. He thinks that learning a new language is a very rewarding process. It takes time, effort, and patience. It requires you to step outside of your comfort zone and take risks. You might find yourself changing for the better in unexpected ways as you learn a language. Let's see what he has said about his Chinese learning journey!

6 Chinese words related to Halloween

Now, “万圣夜 wàn shèng yè (Halloween, the eve of All Saints’ Day / All Hallows’ Day)” is popular in many western countries. On Halloween, people will hold various festival activities to avoid the interference of evil spirits and pray for peace. There are many activities and customs in Halloween. What do you know about this “鬼节guǐ jié (Ghosts’ Festival)”? Do […]

MI Event Review | Online Open Class: I can talk about people

10月20日晚,Mandarin Inn主办了一场以“谈论人物”为主题的线上公开课活动,本次课程主讲人是具有丰富汉语教学经验的Sophia老师。Sophia老师为前来听课的各位外国同学详细讲解了汉语中询问、描述和比较人物特征的方法,并带领大家作了相应的练习活动。