The Future of Work in China & Working as an Expat in China

Chinese Labor Day(五一劳动节wǔ yī láo dòng jié) is a national holiday in China that takes place on May 1st every year. It is an important holiday in China that celebrates the hard work and contributions of workers to the country's prosperity.

Happy Birthday, kě kǒu kě lè !

Today is Coca-Cola Company Foundation Day! 生日快乐!shēng rì kuài lè! Coca-Cola was founded on May 8, 1886, in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, and has a long history of 136 years. Since its birth, Coca-Cola has stood out for its wonderful taste and low price, gaining the love of the public.

4 Steps to Use Shared Bikes in Shanghai

“世界地球日Shìjiè dìqiú rì”(Earth Day) is an annual event on April 22nd to demonstrate support for environmental protection. The official theme for 2023 is Invest In Our Planet. As a member of our global village, it is our duty to invest our concern and action to ward the natural environment.

10+ ways to protect the Earth while learning Mandarin

Today is World Environment Day(世界环境日  shìjiè huánjìng rì). Led by the United Nations Environment Programme, this day is an important platform for promoting progress on the environmental aspects of the Sustainable Development Goals, expressing humanity's aspiration and pursuit of a better environment.

2023 Spring blooms in Shanghai

Do you know what day is the 12th of March? It’s the Tree Planting Day. We get connected with mother nature by planting “green”. It was our unchangeable agreement with spring. The love of life and the awe of nature was awakened on the day. Protection for our nature ought to be attached to great […]