Two Way Communication Benefits

Claire majored in Chinese philology. She went to US to teach Chinese after postgraduate studies, now working at an educational institute for promoting Chinese as foreign language. With 8 years teaching experience, Claire’s students’ background covers from 2-3 year-old children to 50+ year old adult of various nationalities. 


Why did you choose to be a Chinese teacher to foreign students?


I found this subject and an opportunity at school during my postgraduate study, to disseminate Chinese culture while learning from outside world, a two-way communication. I think it is a good thing to do and I benefit from it a lot so I have been working on it.  


Any memorable or interesting story to share during your teaching?


When I taught Chinese in US, I knew a couple who adopted twins from China. I was very impressed by their story and our special friendship was formed since then. 


The twins were conjoined when found abandoned by the door of a welfare house in Guangdong. They were sponsored by kind people and sent to Shanghai for separation surgery. At the age of 2 year old, they were adopted by this couple and went to US. Coincidentally, their twins came to the kindergarten I was working for. When there were not many Asian students, we feel close at first sight. The US couple thought that the children they adopted are Chinese, so they should be able to speak the language, know about its culture. This kindergarten is not the designated one for their neighborhood. Only because it has Chinese education program, they were sent here. 

The conjoined twins were sent to Shanghai for surgery as reported by news in 2009. 

那时在美国教书,我们没车,那边地广人稀,交通不便利,他们时常接送我和另外一位志愿者老师,我们也没有想到在异国他乡能够遇到这样不求回报帮助你的人。我一开始蛮不解的,他们已经有几个孩子了,为什么还去领养2个中国孩子。后来看了一部电影《雄狮》,里面的养母领养孩子并不是因为不能生育,而是想用她的力量救助受苦的孩子。我觉得可能是出于同样的大爱吧。 US has massive land but sparsely populated. I did not have a car made the transportation inconvenient there. They offer help to us for travelling while I did not expect to meet someone in a foreign country who do not ask for a return to help. I was confused at first that they already have their children, why adopted another 2 Chinese. Later I watched a movie called Lion. The mother in the movie adopted two children because she wants to help those who suffer other than she could not have baby. I believe, similarly, they have the universal love.   

Surgery was successful created a sensation that time. Later they were adopted by the couple and went to US. 

Now the twin sisters are at grade four. I went back with my family last year and stayed with them for half month. Girls are doing great now, especially good at math. We still keep in contact with each other frequently.  
Q:在汉语教学中有让你感到成就感的时候吗?Is there any moment that makes you proud as a Chinese teacher?A:我记得当时在美国教孩子学习汉字和古诗。对他们的学习效果期望没那么大,其实潜移默化下,孩子们慢慢吸收了学到的东西。期末的时候正逢中国新年,我带的学校从幼儿园到二年级都要排演节目,最后晚会很成功,每个班都出了节目。学生表演舞狮舞龙,唱歌等,在学校的反响很好。那一刻我很骄傲,我让美国当地人看到了中国文化。 As I remembered when I taught children at primary school, like Chinese characters and poems, I did not expect great results from them. However, these students unconsciously absorbed what I taught. At the end of the semester it was Chinese New Year, the school had an annual party that children would have to do their performance from kindergarten to grade two. It turned out to be successful that every class had a performance such as lion or dragon dance, singing, etc. It had great feedback at school. I was very proud that I let local Americans see Chinese culture.

Q:当初是怎么了解到Mandarin Inn的?How did you know about Mandarin Inn?A:在网上看到的,正好又有业余时间,我觉得之前对外汉语教学的经历很开心,自己也受益很多,中国的文化还是需要我们每个人传递出去。于是我网上了解了一下,正好看见MI在招兼职老师。 I saw it on Internet, I did have spare time, and felt very happy with my previous experience of teaching Chinese as foreign language where I benefit a lot. Chinese culture needs to be passed on by every one of us. After learning about it online, I happened to see that MI is recruiting part-time teachers.

Q:你怎么看目前学校的在线课程?How do you think of the current online class at Mandarin Inn?A:线上课的系统做的非常好,用起来很顺手,可以在课上做各种注释,可能对有的初级学生,汉语还不太好的情况下,平时的一些课堂用语不太听得懂,还不能面对面,有时能看出学生眼中的恍惚:)。所以因人而异,有的学生适合线上,有的偏向于线下。总体来说,线上课程还是很成熟的,教学也很便利。 The online class system is great, easy to use. I can make notes on the screen during class. Maybe for some students who are of primary level, they could not get what I meant immediately in the classroom and sometimes I could spot a hint of trance in their eyes. 🙂 It differs from person to person. Some prefer online, others good at offline. Generally speaking, the online courses are mature and teaching tool is handy. 

Claire is having online live class with students.
Q:针对目前的疫情情况,你有什么好的学习建议给到学生?Do you have suggestion for students under pandemic situation?A管学习哪种语言,做到多说多听多练,一定会有进步的。我建议学生平时和中国朋友,同事多说中文。可以把手机设置成中文模式,发消息也尝试着用中文去沟通。看地铁站上汉字的图标,留心所有的你能看见的、听见的、和汉字有关的,和中文有关的东西。 No matter what kind of language you learn, you can make progress in the environment with speaking, listening and practicing more. Try to use Chinese as as much as possible. Talk more Chinese with your Chinese friends and colleagues in your daily life. Set the mobile phone to Chinese mode and try to send Chinese messages. Look at the Chinese characters at subway station. Pay attention to all the things you can see, hear, and relate to Chinese characters.
Q:最后一个问题,有没有好的书籍推荐给大家?Last question, any good books to recommend to everyone?A:如果是老师的话,《汉语800字》,教学上用的比较多;还有商务印书馆的《汉语课堂教学技巧325例》,比较实用。(完) For teachers, I recommend Essential Chinese Dictionary that is useful in teaching and other one is Hanyu Ketang Jiaoxue Jiqiao 325Li by the commercial press, which is practical.


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