How long does it take to learn Chinese? 5 important factors to consider

Whether you are a beginner who is thinking about learning Chinese, or an advanced learner stuck on a plateau, here are five important factors to consider when you think about the time you take to learn the language.

Small Talk in Chinese: 5 Topics to Get You Started

When learning a new language, being able to produce sentences is often the best way to go about practicing. Small talk is the best way for beginners to start using the language and tolearn about the cultural norms of the language they are learning, including in Chinese.

MI 学员故事│来Mandarin Inn培训能收获什么?

上《国际中文教师证书》培训课程的Janel前不久通过了证书笔试考试。她很幸运选择了Mandarin Inn,并在这期间改变了自己、获得了意料之外的收获,想要了解她的故事吗?那我们一起来听听她的学习体会吧!

MI 教师故事│成为对外汉语教师,一路耕耘,一路收获

Mandarin Inn的老师李佳本科及硕士研究生均在江西师范大学就读,专业为语言学及运用语言学下的对外汉语方向,硕士毕业后在国外孔子学院教授了5年多的汉语,回国后在江西师范大学国际教育学院担任留学生班主任并教授一些汉语课程,在国内外都积累了丰富的教学经验。你想要知道李佳老师是如何评价Mandarin Inn的专业课程和工作环境的吗?她还有什么自己独特的教学心得呢?我们一起来了解了解李佳老师的经历吧!

MI 学员故事│对外汉语教学,大有可为

上《国际中文教师证书》培训课程的Windy希望通过教授外国人汉语的方式来提升自己的英语口语水平,并且她对在海外从事对外汉语教学工作充满着信心。你想要知道Windy是如何评价Mandarin Inn的专业课程和老师的吗?她还有什么自己独特的学习体会呢?我们一起来了解了解Windy的经历吧!

【老外在天朝│Interview】I always have a deep interest in new languages

Monica is a German- Italian, who has lived in Shanghai for 3 years, and start to study with Mandarin Inn 3 months ago. She think it is really important to learn Chinese as a foreigner! Not being able to communicate at least a bit with people in a new country is too frustrating. Interested in what she considers the most important method of learning Chinese? Let's have a look together!

【老外在天朝│Interview】learning Chinese is a way to learn about China

Wesley is a student from Australia who has been studying at Mandarin Inn for 3 years. He thinks learning mandarin is a wonderful way to learn more about China and understand how the language impacts thinking and culture. Interested in what he considers the most important method of learning Chinese? Let's have a look together!

MI 学员访谈|汉语教学,一个圆梦时刻

本期活动的采访对象是Mandarin Inn学员,周密。之前从事IT行业,参加了《国际中文教师证书》笔试培训后,一次性通过了证书笔试的考试,现在也正在Mandarin Inn的英语面试培训课程上课中,为7月份的面试冲刺。