Rice or Noodles? Southern vs. Northern Chinese people

This article aims to portray the general differences between the Northern regions of China that typically grow more wheat, and Southern regions of China that typically grow more rice.

Fun Ways to Improve Your Mandarin

I have put together a few alternative ways that you could go about improving your Mandarin that is a little less conventional and definitely a lot more fun.

5 Spring Outing Attractions in Shanghai

After a few spots of rain, we ushered in a sunny spring! On this sunny day, let’s pack up and go for a spring outing together.在几场小雨之后,我们迎来了晴朗的春天! 在阳光正好的日子里,让我们收拾好行李,一起去春游吧。 Mandarin Inn presents a freshly released guide to spring appreciation in Shanghai. Let’s check out and collect it!Mandarin Inn 在此奉上新鲜出炉的上海赏春指南,快快收藏吧! Top 5 Spring Outing Attractions in Shanghai: Century […]

Do you have an “A Yi” in China?

Are you curious about the meaning of “A Yi,” or perhaps you spell it “I E”, a term that you may have heard many times before? If you have an “A Yi” who assists you with daily tasks and baby caring or if you are interested in learning more about this role, read on. 1.妈妈的姐妹-mā […]

Decoding 520

The Chinese Slang for “I love you” Happy 520! What is the reason that May 20th or May 21st are considered the prime days for marriage proposals and weddings in China every year? 521 wǔ èr yī 我爱你 wǒ ài nǐ 520 wǔ èr líng 我爱您 wǒ ài nín In Mandarin, the pronunciation of “5 […]

How to say sparkling water in Chinese?

World Water Day is coming. It is an annual United Nations (UN) observance day held on 22nd March, since 1993, to advocate for the sustainable management of freshwater resources. Water resources are closely related to our life. We need to drink water every day to meet our physical needs. What water do you prefer drinking? […]

Happy Valentine’s Day ! 情人节快乐!

We can convey our sincere love to others in a variety of ways, but language is the most direct and exquisite method. Let’s learn how to express love in Chinese on this sweet day!

6 Chinese words related to Halloween

There are many activities and customs in Halloween. What do you know about this "鬼节guǐ jié (Ghosts' Festival)"? Do you know how to describe and express these things in Chinese?